We are pixelCast Games; we make games worth playing.
Our primary mission is to develop quality games, support them after launch, and promote open dialog with our audience. Never release an unfinished product; strive for perfection. We believe our players have a desire to learn, complete, and master all gaming challenges set before them. That’s why pixelCast Games strives to create gaming environments that respects the player. This extends from one of our design goals, which requires our games to be easy to play; hard to master.
What personally drives us is the desire to create products that we, the developers, are 100% satisfied in releasing. And then continuing to support our title until we are, again, 100% satisfied in the final product. This alone attracts dedicated gamers. We have to create because we love doing it; because game development is an art, and we must master this art. The ability to inspire, create, and share is beautiful. And there is courage is sharing your creation.